Steve Tvedten's "The Bug Stops Here" |
When will "they" get the message?
Politicians and school superintendents may finally get the message when they realize that if a
child is sick from poisons or had to stay home because of lice the day they take the census they have
lost approximately $6,500 for the year - if they will not protect the children, may be they will protect
their pocketbooks and/or assets!
May be farmers will get the message when they read that Cornell University entomologist,
David Pimental and his colleagues calculated that $520 million in annual crop losses are caused by
pesticide reduction of natural enemies just in the U. S.
"Nature Wars" people vs. pests by Mark L.
Winston noted insecticide use in Indonesian rice production in the early 1980's destroyed natural
enemies of the brown plant hopper and the populations of this pest exploded. The Food and
Agricultural Organization (FAO) estimated that $1.5 billion in rice production was lost in just two years.
Fortunately, Indonesian President Suharto followed the advice of his specialists and ordered
severe reduction in pesticide use, which allowed the natural enemies to increase and brought the
pest levels back down below economically tolerable thresholds.
When they stopped using "registered" pesticides they finally got pest
control. Duh,..........!
The solution? = Call 1-616-677-1261.
When pesticide manufacturers are threatened with the loss of an insecticide/poison, they "work" with the USDA to find a solution acceptable to USDA. The May/June 2000 issue of Ag Retailer noted on page 6 that the EPA requires developmental neurotoxicity studies on Reldan insecticide/poison. Dow Agro Sciences had requested a minor-use exemption to waive these studies. Gustafson LLC, Plano, TX, who markets Reldon, is now working to find a compromise. It is too bad there simply is no precautionary principle involved in the "registration" of economic poisons.
Rotenone - The Washington Post noted on 11/6/00: The organic pesticide rotenone can produce an illness in rats that closely resembles Parkinson's disease in humans, and can selectively damage the specialized brain cells that die in that disorder. About 1 million Americans suffer from Parkinson's disease.
Asthma - The incidence rates for Asthma are rising, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control - the number of asthma cases in the United States has more than doubled in the past two decades from 6.8 million in 1980 to more than 15 million today - resulting in 7.4% of all children ages 5-14 having diagnosed asthma. Since "asthma" is not a normal condition, and since the incidence is rising, we must assume there are unexplained factors present which are increasing its incidence.
Our lungs inhale an enormous quantity of particles daily, yet are still able to function properly in most people. All of us inhale a wide variety of particles daily - from car exhaust particles to dust mites - to animal dander - to plastic synthetic carpet fibers - to synthetic pesticide poisons. It is amazing our lungs can even function. However, thanks to our lung's enormous power to cleanse itself via coughing - sneezing and mucous secretions - they can keep doing their job of taking oxygen out of the air and putting it into our blood. There is, however, an ally to the lungs which is much under appreciated. It is called an alveolar macrophage and is a microscopic immune system cell that waits in the wings of your lungs looking for intruders. When an intruder comes on site - macrophages extend long arms around the intruder preventing it from interfering with the alveoli's job and proceeds to digest it. However, researchers at the Department of Immunology, University of Arkansas (Agents & Actions, Volume 37:140-146, 1992) found that when test animals were exposed to chlordane pesticide vapors (found in high levels in many U.S. homes today, then the macrophages become paralyzed in their ability to destroy cancer cells for 24 hours.
Asthma has been found to occur immediately following chemical exposure. Called Occupational Asthma, this medical condition shows first hand what serious harm can occur to a person's delicate lung structure after working in a chemical environment.
Pyrethrum late-breaking news: EPA has recently determined that pyrethrum is considered a probable carcinogen. That is another reason why the Author does not recommend its use.
Pesticide, suicide or homicide, they all kill.S.L.T.
Note: Life threatening bacteria, e.g., Shigella, Salmonella, Listeria and Escherichia coli that cause food poisoning, thrive on about 1/3 of the pesticides that Canadian researchers tested. The bacteria grew fastest on chlorothalonil, linuron, permethrin and chlorpyrifos. (New Scientist, Oct. 7, 2000, No. 2259, pg. 20, by A. Coghlan, "Food Poisoning Bugs Thrive in Crop Sprays")
Pesticide Poison Note: PANUPS estimated in November 2000 that: "Each year approximately three million people are poisoned and 200,000 die from pesticide use."
Final Note: Steve Tvedten has developed a detox formula that helps to detoxify people and also helps control internal parasites; it is called Not Nice to Toxins®.
NOTE: This booklet has been condensed from The Best Control II. For a list of references write Stephen L. Tvedten.
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