Ants Ants Ants...
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I am looking for any information to "control" biting red ants infesting my yard.  We live in the suburbs of Massachusetts near conservation land.  This summer has been very hot   and dry and this is the first year that we have noticed how many of these voracious insects are living in   our yard.  Just walking on the lawn brings on an attack.  Our toddler has been bitten twice and since being swarmed while attempting to reach her swingset, has refused to go outside.  These black bodied, red headed ants swarm anyone and we are now confined to the house or deck.  Is there anything that can be done to reduce the number of these biting insects?  Can you tell by my location and description just what these pests are?

Take a sample of the ants to your local county extension agent or an entomologist for analysis.  Then let me know what species you have - and I will give you several specific controls.  In the meantime try lightly dusting shoes/socks and legs when you go outside (and infested areas inside) with talcum powder, most ant will avoid talcum powder.  You can also try a line of petroleum jelly to repel them.  Steve 

Do fire ants live in Massachussetts?

I have a research project for work on this topic.  A person moved from Florida to Massachusetts because of a severe allergic reaction to fire ant bites.  Thanks for any help you can provide.
Tallahassee, FL

Fire ants are moving.  There is a 20% increase in infested areas every year.  We should have 360-380 hundred million acres of U. S. territory infested this year.  We know know they can survive in colder areas than we originally thought possible, but I do not believe they have hit Massachusetts yet.  These ants are easy to control if you stop relying on useless pesticide poisons.

Steve Tvedten

